By Monty Van Horn
Sunday, August 06, 2023

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In Granbury, Texas on the 5th of August, we had folks at the Blazin' Saddle 75 bike ride. We had Holland Clarke (not on FB lol), Tamara Massey, Sumit K Jain, and Maria Alejandra Muñoz ride, while Trey Massey, and his sons Carter and Cooper volunteered to help with registration, start line, finish line, and tear down. Art Garcesa's family joined in and were real troopers seeing as they started already titred from being up until 0130 hours. But that didn't stop them from directing traffic starting at 0530 hours.

We had setup our tent next to the finish line and the city of Granbury setup their tent next to us. We did not get a chance to take too many picture because we were running around like crazy.

It is always nice to run into fellow riders that have attended other events from the past. I am sure Monty Van Horn will be excited to see we had his local Fire Ant Tour represented by another rider. Whohoo..

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The amount of coordination and work to make this machine move is very humbling. Hats off to our brother Michael Keel for doing an awesome in coordinating this ride. Thank you again Mike!

Also, HUGE and many thank you to our brother Trey Massey and his sons; Carter and Cooper for a very awesome job today. They worked so hard today - ALL DAY! From registration before the ride, to setting up the finish line, to helping me direct traffic, to picking up and getting lunch, to serving lunch, to ensuring finishers had water and gatorade, and also for tear down and cleanup. Love you guys!!!

Monty Van Horn