By Monty Van Horn
Monday, September 11, 2023

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This last weekend, the Christian Cycling – Texas folks were busy shining their lights indeed. On Saturday, the 9th of September, Jack, his son Rease, and Randal along with Monty (me) headed to Waco, leaving Gatesville about 1415 hours. Robert, our Waco/Woodway area rep and Art, our North Dallas (Little Elm) rep converged at the start/finish line area of the Waco Wild West 100. Art and Robert moved the traffic barrier as we rolled into our spot to set up. Before we had even completed the setup, some nearby Utah college students were watching us and noticed a case of water sitting on the grass. He asked us if they could get a couple bottles from the case. You should have seen their faces when we opened one of our huge coolers full of ice water and said, “Help yourselves.” The smiles on those kids’ faces as they snatched the cold bottles of water and took turns thanking us and drinking. The hospitality tent was set up and we visited while we waited for the clock to hit 1600. It was great to catch up on what was going on in the different areas. Then we stood in line to get our registration packets. I was also able to get my finishers medals for me and the family since I was staying close to home on Sunday. We all left shortly after that, and Art followed us back to Gatesville. I threw some burgers on the grill, and we broke bread and continued to fellowship. Art and I caught up on things and started brainstorming on how to improve our networking on social media and this web page. It was almost 2300 when Art asked me what time I usually went to bed. I smiled at the young man, “About two hours ago.” LOL, we called it a night and I set my alarm for 0345 hours. (I wanted to make sure my little brother got up in time)

On Sunday, at 0400 hours, I was in the kitchen, sitting in the dark, when I heard his alarm. We visited while he got things ready and then prayed over him before he headed to Waco. Randal and Rebekah were the first onsite and Jack and Rease joined them by 0600. Robert brought some more coolers and water along with his pastors, Don and Ginger Lovelady from Life Point Fellowship Church. In addition to this, Robert also brought a bike stand and a bike pump which attracted a lot of attention of other riders asking for help with their bikes. Robert, Randall, and the rest of the team did their best to help out riders with bike and tire issues before the start of the ride.

Before our ride, we were met by our brothers Freddie Flores and Dustin Palmer who came to ride with his father Dale and his wife Betty. Dustin is our newest Subscriber! Welcome brother.

The whole crew was onsite before the official start and were serving the Lord with smiles. While the riders hit the road, Randal and Rebekah manned the hospitality tent along with Don and Ginger. We handed out about 65 bottles of water, 23 bottles of Gatorade, about 20 packets of Hammer gel, a few packets of Chamois Butter and 150 ice cold wash cloths. We also gave away nearly 25 Christian Cycling water bottles with the tracts and hammer gel in them.

Rebekah, Randal and the Thompsons brought all the gear back to Gatesville and my son and I met them at the Highway 2 Heaven Biker Church to secure it all. 

You can view a bunch of pictures from the weekend HERE.

Monty Van Horn