By Monty Van Horn
Monday, September 18, 2023

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From Jim Boland

61 mile, fun ride today (16 September) at the Cotton Patch Challenge, Greenville. TX. Got to ride and hang out with some great friends at Christian Cycling - Texas and North Texas Cycling. Now Coach Bonnie Boland has another title and job. Tent Security!!!!!!

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From Jack Thompson, With Laundry Nicky Thompson hung blowing breeze, I am fixing to pedal out of here and hit the roads on Fort Cavazos with Monty Van Horn .

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From Deana, Saturday we finally got to ride again, fist ride in almost a month, so thankful that the temperature has decided to stay under 100!

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We had to make a quick trip to Walmart because @Doraine Chirco tire went flat, no pic of the guys fixing the tire in the parking lot, but we got 11 miles in before the storms blew in!! Before our ride @Nick Scooby put a small rack on his bike so we can picnic on our upcoming rides. 

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Sunday the 17th, we had another beautiful day, so after church and potluck we headed out again for another 11 miles, this was relatively uneventful. We stopped for a phot op on the bridge, this location is about 3/4 of a mile from the trail head, and the stop for a break spot for Deana when she first started out earlier this year. The first few rides were less than 2 miles, so Praise God for the progress!

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From Art Garcesa, Greenville, TX:  - September 16th. We were blessed to be able to ride the Cotton Patch Challenge in Greenville, TX. This rally benefited over 25 non-profit organizations in Greenville and Hunt County. We were joined by our members Holland Clarke, Fabian Broncano, Armando Dejesus, Jim Boland, Sumit K Jain, Michael Keel, and our brothers and sisters from NTC (Scott Stanley, Kurtis Register, and the rest of the gang). This ride is a special ride for us because it is the last rally that Holland Clarke and Sumit K Jain will be with us. Holland's company is relocating him to San Jose at the end of September. Sumit is moving to the Denver area in the first week of October. We wish you both the best in this new chapter. Thank you both for all of the encouragement and support over the years.

This is also a very special ride because one of our newest member Armando DeJesus joined us in Greenville and made the Cotton Patch Challenge as his inaugural bike rally. He rode farther and faster than he had ever gone. He loved the camaraderie, encouragements, and support from other cyclist outside of Christian Cycling - Texas. Please join us in cheering on Armando in Strava!

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Do you have any questions about joining? Contact Monty.

Monty Van Horn